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Instructional Farm

A 20 ha instructional farm comprising of an arboretum,  blocks of woodlots, agro forestry experiments, provenance trials of indigenous and exotic species is being maintained by the college. More than 150 tree species, including rare and endangered are planted and maintained in the arboretum. A wood lot of tropical tree species, provenances of exotic acacias, sandal, jatropha (a biofuel species) etc.  are maintained separately. These are also routinely made use of for instructional purposes of the students.

In addition, a number of other research programmes are also conducted in the farm. A star forest (Nakshathravanam), butterfly park, medicinal, ornamental flowering and foliage trees planted and maintained near the academic block adds to the aesthetic value of the college campus.


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College of Forestry
Kerala Agricultural University
Thrissur Kerala 680656