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Niyas P

Assistant Professor
Attached Department: 

Department of Silviculture and Agroforesty

College of Forestry, Vellanikkara
Address (Residence): 

Selected Publications

Niyas, P., Kunhamu, T. K., Ali S.K., Jothsna, C., Aneesh, C.R., Kumar, N.  and Sukanya, R. 2016. Functional diversity in the selected urban and peri-urban homegardens of Kerala, India. Indian Journal of Agroforestry.

Kunhamu , T. K.,  Aneesh , S., Kumar , B.M., Jamaludheen , V., Raj. A. K. and Niyas. P. 2016.  Biomass production carbon sequestration and nutrient characteristics of  support trees in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) Production systems in Kerala. India. Agroforestry Systems

Kunhamu, T.K., Niyas, P., Anwar, M.F., Jamaludheen, V. and Raj, A. K. 2015. Understorey productivity of selected medicinal herbs in major land management systems in humid tropical Kerala. Indian Journal of Agroforestry.

Sreenivasan, E., Anish, M. C., Mobin, K.M.  and Niyas, P. 2017. Effect of vermicompost produced from industrial wood waste on vegetables Under field conditions. International Journal of Farm Sciences.

Surabhi, C., Anish, M. C., Mobin, K.M., Niyas, P. and Sreenivasan, E. 2017. A Feasibility Study on Composite Bricks from Sawdust and Boiler Ash Using Cement as A Binder. Trends in Biosciences


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College of Forestry
Kerala Agricultural University
Thrissur Kerala 680656