Dr. M. Shaji

Department of Wildlife Science
Research Areas
Conservation Biology, Animal Behaviour
Thomas, K., Vinodkumar, D.K., John, J.M., Shaji, M. and Nameer, P.O. 2018. A report on the possible interbreeding between Grizzled Giant Squirrel Ratufa macroura and Indian Giant Squirrel Ratufa indica from Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary in the southern Western Ghats, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa Vol 10(15): 13024-13028. DOI: 10.11609/jott.3995.10.15.13024-13028
Sudhakara, K., Ani, J. R., and Shaji, M. 2013. Effects of maturity levels and desiccation on seeds of Hopea parviflora bedd. – an endangered tropical evergreen forest tree species. Proceedings of XIIIth National Seed Seminar – 2013, Bengaluru. Innovations in Seed Research and Development. 8-10 June 2013. Published by Indian Society of Seed Technology, New Delhi.
Sudhakara, K., Natalya Krishnambika, Vinodkumar, D. K. and Shaji, M. 2007. Swietenia spp. In Advances in Seed Science and Technology, Vol IV Forest Tree Seed Production. Eds. K. Vanangamudi, K. Natarajan, T. Saravanan, N. Natarajan, R. Umarani, A. Bharati, P. Srimathi. Agrobios (India), Agro House, Jodhpur. Pp: 391-400.
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