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About College of Forestry


College of Forestry, one of the constituent colleges under Kerala Agricultural University (www.kau.edu), was established in 1986 at Vellanikkara, Thrissur district, Kerala, State, India. The major objective of the college is to provide education in forest science besides undertaking research on basic and applied aspects of tropical forestry.

Mission and Goals

Forestry colleges were started in various State Agricultural Universities of the country to provide the much-needed impetus to forestry education and research in the country. This being the prime aspiration, the College of Forestry was established at Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) with the mandate of developing human resource required in the field of forestry such as Silviculture, agro forestry , forest management, tree breeding, wildlife, wood science and other related areas. The goal is to train professionals in Forestry so that they can take up the challenges for the conservation and sustainable management of natural resources of the country in an effective manner. The specific goals that are envisaged are detailed below:

  1. Achieve excellence in teaching at under-graduate and post-graduate levels in Forestry.
  2. Achieve excellence in research in both basic and applied aspects in the different disciplines of Forestry.
  3. Provide technically qualified and competent forestry personnel to various agencies engaged in the field.
  4. Provide scientific and practical advice to the various end users in forestry with the objective of making forestry an attractive and economic enterprise.
  5. Create awareness among the public about the importance of forests and scientific forestry.

Considering the above goals, the specific objectives of the College of Forestry are listed below:

  1. To offer B.Sc. Hons. (Forestry) programme
  2. To offer M.Sc. (Forestry) programme with specialisation in different disciplines of forestry
  3. To carry out research in basic and applied aspects of forestry to solve the existing problems of the region and also to make forestry a viable commercial enterprise. Also to carry out research that will enable the effective management and conservation of the protected areas and other natural habitats.
  4. To take up extension activities in forestry and to cater to the needs of the end users and give technical professional support to social forestry, agro-forestry and wildlife management programmes of the State and Central governments.