Anish M C

Assistant Professor
Attached Department:
Department of Forest Products and Utilization
College of Forestry, Vellanikkara
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- Anish, M. C., Sneha. C. and Anoop. E. V. 2016. An Introduction to Forest Certification. Samayam publication, Kannur, 44p.
Chapter in Book
- Anish, M. C., Mobin, K. M., Niyas, P. and Mohanan, C. 2016. Conservation and Management of Mangroves in Kerala: Policy Options: In Studies on Biodiversity Conservation in Northern Kerala. Mudranik Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, 14-22pp.
- Anoop, E. V., Jijeesh, C. M., Jinu, S., Vishnu, R. and Anish, M.C. 2017. Identification and Characterization of Tension Wood in Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Benth. and Acacia mangium Willd. Grown in Kerala. In: Wood is Good. Springer., 153-159 pp.
Research/Review Paper
- Anish, M. C., Anoop, E.V., Sreejith B., Vishnu, R. and Jijeesh, C.M. 2014. Effect of growth rate on wood quality of teak (Tectona grandis Linn.f.) grown under differing site quality conditions. J. Indian . Acad. Wood Sci.
- Sreejith Babu., Anoop, E.V., Anoob, P., Vishnu, R., Anish, M. C., Adarsh, M. and Vikas Kumar., 2014. Responses of short period ring width and mean vessel area chronologies of plantation grown teak (Tectona grandis L. f.) to climate in Thrissur, Kerala. Res. J. Rec. Sci. 3(4) 11-18pp.
- Anish, M. C., and Onima, V.T. 2016. Agriculture and its gender perspective (Review paper). Advan. Life Sci. 5(17). 6504-6505pp.
- Krunal, D. Gulkari, Onima, V.T. Sahdev, L. and Anish, M. C. 2016. Challenge and socio-economic dimensions in food security (Review paper). Advan. Life Sci. 5(22), 5p.
- Surabhi, C., Anish, M. C., Mobin, K.M. Niyas, P. and Sreenivasan, E. 2017. A feasibility study on composite bricks from sawdust and boiler ash using cement as a binder. Trends in Bio-Sci. 10(3). 1049-52pp.
- Sreenivasan, E., Anish, M.C., Mobin, K.M. and Niyas, P. 2017. Effect of vermicompost produced from industrial wood waste on vegetables under field conditions. Internat. J. Farm Sci. 7(3). 1-5pp.
- Vishnu, R., Anoop, E.V., Kannan, C.S. and Anish, M.C. 2018. Genetic divergence for growth and wood parameters in different clones of Casuarina equisetifolia L. J. Trop. For. Sci. 30(4). 65-621.
Popular Articles
- Anish, M. C. 2016. Forest Certification: Oru Laghu Parichayam (Vernacular Audio Talk): In All India Radio programme ‘Haritham’ Thrissur Station.
- Anish, M. C. 2016. Punarnava Enna Sasyasreshttan (Vernacular Audio Talk): In All India Radio programme ‘Haritham’ Thrissur Station.
- Anish, M. C. 2016. Vanangalum Prayojanangalum (Vernacular Audio Talk): In All India Radio programme ‘Haritham’ Thrissur Station.
- Anish, M. C. 2016. Kaattuthi Enna Vipathu (Vernacular Audio Talk): In All India Radio programme ‘Haritham’, Thrissur Station.
- Saranya, K.S. and Anish, M.C. 2016. Puthumayekan Punarnava (Vernacualar): In Karshakasree Monthly, Manorama publication, Kerala.
- Anish, M.C. and Anoop, E.V. 2016. Pratheekshikkaam Certified Kaadukal (Vernacular): In Kalpadenu Magazine, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur Publication.
- Anish, M. C. 2016. The Plastic Waste Management (English Talk): In All India Radio programme, Kannur Station.
- Anish, M. C. 2017. Women Empowerment in India: A Factual Overview (English Talk): In All India Radio programme, Kannur Station.
- Anoop, E. V., Elsy, C. R., Anish, M. C., Vidyasagaran, K., Kunhamu, T. K. and Gopakumar, S., 2017. Bhauma Soochika Padhaviyil Nilambur Thekkinu Puthujeevan (Vernacular): In Kalpadenu Magazine, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur Publication.
Paper Presented In Seminars, Symposia
- Anoop, E.V., Jijeesh, C.M. Vishnu, R. and Anish, M. C., 2014. Identification and characterization of tension wood in Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. Ex Benth. and Acacia mangium Wild grown in Kerala (Abstract). In proceedings of International conference Wood is Good: Current trends and future prospects in wood utilization, organized by IWST, Bengaluru, India.
- Anoop, E.V., Elsy, C.R., Anish, M. C. and Vishnu, R., 2015. Towards Securing Geographical Indicator Status for Nilambur Teak – the Wood Quality Perspective (Abstract). In proceedings of 3rd World Teak Conference Strengthening Global Teak Resources and Markets for Sustainable Development, held at Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Anish, M. C., Mobin, K. M., Niyas, P. and Mohanan, C., 2016. Conservation and management of mangroves in Kerala: Policy options. In the two day seminar on Future concerns of environmental legislations in India, held at Sir Syed College, Thalipparamba, Kannur, Kerala, India.