Muhammed Iqbal A

Department of Forest Resource Management
My thrust area of research is on taxonomy, identification and conservation of macro fungi in moist deciduous forests of Kerala with special emphasis on Polypores. I also have interest in forest legislations in the country and its ecological, legal and social dimensions in forest management. I would like to extent my research area and specialization to natural resource management both inside and outside forest to achieve meaningful results and extent scientific inputs for decision makers for their long-term conservation and management of ecosystem at landscape level. My Knowledge and experience in forestry research and education enable me to provide extension activities like creation of awareness among various stakeholders and society to encourage in community-based conservation.
Research Areas
Forest Protection, Natural Resource Management and Forest Legislation for Sustainable Forest Management.
Forest Pathology and Forest Legislation
Publications in International Journals
Iqbal, A.M., K. Vidyasagaran & P.N. Ganesh (2016). New records of polypores (Basidiomycota: Aphyllophorales) from the southern Western Ghats with an identification key for polypores in Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 8(9): 9198–9207; jott.2553.8.9.9198-9207
Iqbal, A.M., K. Vidyasagaran & P.N. Ganesh (2016). Diversity and seasonality of polypore fungi in the moist deciduous forests of Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 8(12): 9434–9442;
Iqbal, A.M., K. Vidyasagaran & N. Ganesh (2017). Host specificity of some wood decaying-fungi in moist deciduous forests of Kerala, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 9(4): 10096–10101;
Iqbal, M., K. Vidyasagaran & N. Ganesh (2017). Influence of substrate features on distribution of polypores (Fungi: Basidiomycota) in central part of Peechi Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 9(1): 9689–9699;
Membership of National/International Bodies
1. Life Member, Energy conservation society of India
2. Member, Indian Society of Plantation crops
Significant accomplishments in the field of Research /Education/Transfer of Technology in the relevant field
1. Qualified Internal Auditor of Kerala State Productivity Council for ISO 9001 (Quality Management System) & ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System)
Popular articles
Muhammed Iqbal, A, Antharashtra Vana varsham Unarthunna Prathekshakalum Ashankakalum (Malayalam), Arananyam, Monthly Magazine of Kerala Forest Department, 2011.
Paper presented in Seminars, symposia
Attempts from the part of NGO’s groups to conserve Sasthamkotta lake from fast shrinking
Seminar on Conserving Bio diversity-tools and approaches, College of Horticulture, Kerala Agricultural University
Muhammed Iqbal, A
New records of polypores (Basidiomycota: Aphyllophorales) from Southern Western Ghats
Seminar on “Recent challenges in Biodiversity conservation”, University of Kerala Thiruvanthapuram
Muhammed Iqbal, A, K. Vidyasagaran and P.N Ganesh
Attitude of people towards human wildlife conflicts and wildlife conservation in southern and Central Kerala
Seminar on “Recent challenges in Biodiversity conservation”, University of Kerala Thiruvanthapuram
Muhammed Iqbal, A