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Mohamed Faisal M

Assistant Professor
Attached Department: 

Department of Forest Biology and Tree Improvement

College of Forestry, Vellanikkara
Mobile Phone No: 
Address (Residence): 

Selected Publications:

  • Umarani, R., Aadhavan, E. K., Mohamed Faisal, M. 2015. Understanding poor storage potential of recalcitrant seeds. Current Science, 108(11):2023-2034.
  • Mohamed Faisal, M. and Ranganathan, U. 2016.  Study on fruit and seed maturation pattern in Melia dubia. Seed Science and Technology, 44:1-6.
  • Mohamed Faisal, M., Vidyasagaran, K. and Gopakumar, S. 2012.  Propagation of Syzygium travancoricum- a critically endangered tree species through softwood cuttings. Proceedings of first National Biodiversity Congress, National Biodiversity Conference 27-30 December 2012: 108.