Dr. Divya Vijayan V.
Department of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems
Dr. (Mrs.) Divya Vijayan V has completed her post graduation in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry from University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore and Doctoral degree from Kerala Agricultural University. She started her career in 2010 as Agricultural Officer in the State Department of Agriculture, Kerala. She has worked as scientist in Land Use & Cover Monitoring Division, National Remote Sensing Centre from April 2013 to April 2019. In 2019, she joined Kerala Agricultural University as Assistant Professor in Soil science department, served as PI AICRP on STCR, Vellanikkara unit till January 2022. Presently serving as Assistant Professor in the Department of Remote Sensing & Geographic Information System, College of Forestry. The thrust areas of research are soil fertility, phytoremediation, Heavy metal contamination, Soil Carbon sequestration, Remote sensing and GIS for Natural Resource Management, Hyperspectral studies, Land Use Land Cover change studies, Wasteland mapping, and soil erosion studies.