Dr. Asha K. Raj

Assistant Professor
Attached Department:
Department of Silviculture and Agroforesty
College of Forestry, Vellanikkara
Email ID:
Address (Residence):
Reasearch Areas
Agronomy, Agroforestry, Silvopasture systems, Forest soils, Soil survey and Organic farming
Selected Publications:
- Meerabai, M., Jayachandran, B. K., Asha, K. R. and Geetha V. 2000. Boosting spice production under coconut gardens of Kerala: Maximizing yield of turmeric with balanced fertilization. Better Crops International 14(2), PPIC Saskatchewan, Canada. pp. 10-12.
- Meerabai, M., Jayachandran, B.K., Asha, K. R. and Geetha, V. 2001. Boosting spice production under coconut gardens of Kerala: Maximizing yield of ginger with balanced fertilization. Better Crops International, 15(1), PPIC, Saskatchewan, Canada. pp. 25-27.
- Asha Raj, K. and Geetha Kumari, V.L.. 2001. Effect of organic manure and Azospirillum inoculation on yield and quality of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L). Veg. Sci., 28(2): 179-181
- Asha Raj, K. and Geetha Kumari, V. L. 2001. Influence of organic manures and azospirillum inoculation on bhindi yield, N, P, K uptake and available nutrient status of soil. Journal of Soil Biology and Ecology, 21(1&2),pp.12-16.
- Asha Raj, K., Lakshmi, S. and Geetha Kumari ,V.L. 2011. Nitrogen Release Pattern of Organic Manures and its Direct and Residual Effect on Cucumber-Amaranthus Crop Sequence. Journal of Soil Biology and Ecology, Vol. 31 (1&2).pp.32-40.
- Asha Raj, K., Lakshmi, S. and Geetha Kumari ,V.L. 2013. Comparative evaluation of conventional manures and enriched composts on enzyme dynamics of soil and crop performance. Journal of Soil Biology and Ecology, Vol. 33 (1&2).pp.175- 183.