Dr. M. Krishnadas

Assistant Professor - Agricultural Economics
Attached Department:
Department of Supportive and Allied Courses
College of Forestry, Vellanikkara
Email ID:
Address (Residence):
Courses offered
B.Sc. (Hons.) Forestry
- Bass 1104 - Basic Economics (1+0)
- Bass 3115 - Agricultural Informatics (1+1)
- Bass 3218 - Forest Economics (1+1)
M.Sc. Forestry
- WLS 504 - Economics of Ecotourism (2+1)
- FEM 503 - Forest Resource Management and Economics (1+1)
Ph.D. Forestry
- FEM 603 - Advances in Natural Resources and Environmental Economics (2+1)
- FEM 605 - Project Planning and Evaluation (1+1)
Research Areas:
Sustainable Agriculture, Natural Resource Economics, Agricultural Production Economics, Econometrics, Machine learning and Big data in Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Behavioural Economics, Agricultural Business Management
Research Publications
- Krishnadas, M., Mundinamani, S.M. and Guledgudda, S.S., 2009, Growth and Instability in Production of Major Spices in India. Proceedings of National Workshop on Current Trends and Future Prospects in Production and Export of Spice Crops with special reference to Chillies. UAS, Dharwad. February 27-28. p.226.
- Krishnadas, M., Mundinamani, S.M. and Mahajanashetti, S.B., 2011, Structural Changes in Exports of Major Spices from India- An Economic Analysis. Proceedings of International Conference on Agricultural Marketing in the Context of Changing Economic Order, Mysore, March 25-26.p.108.
- Krishnadas, M. and Mundinamani, S.M., 2011, Changing Direction of Major Spices Exports from India. Indian Journal of Arecanut, Spices & Medicinal Plants, 13(3):20-24.
- Krishnadas, M., Mundinamani, S.M. and Ayyoob, K.C., 2011, Growth in Area, Production and Productivity of major spices in India- An Economic Analysis. Proceedings of the UGC sponsored National Seminar on Advanced Computational Techniques, Christ College, Thrissur, August 25-27.p.13.
- Madhusudan, P., Sharif, M. and Krishnadas, M., 2013, Economic Impacts of Water Pollution on Human Health and Migration in Nanjangud Industrial Area of Karnataka State. Environment & Ecology, 31 (2): 518-523.
- Ayyoob, K.C., Krishnadas, M. and Kaleel, F.M.H., 2013, Intra-regional Disparities in the Agricultural Development of Kerala. Agriculture Update, 8(1&2): 103-106.
- Ayyoob, K.C. and Krishnadas, M., 2013, Production Forecast of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) using Crop Yield-Weather Model. Agriculture Update, 8(3): 436-439.
- Sharif, M., Dixit, P. K., Krishnadas, M. and Sivaram, M. 2013, Understanding Water Productivity in Milk Production Some Economic and Ecological Reflections. Compendium of Model Training Course on Management Strategies for Sustainable Livestock Production, ICAR-NDRI, Bengaluru, November 18-25.p.114-117.
- Krishnadas, M., Dixit, P.K. and Sharif, M., 2013, Growth and Instability in Milk Production- A Case of Kerala State. Proceedings of XLII Dairy Industrial Conference on Growth in Indian Dairying & Trade Issues, Chennai, December 12-14.p.239-240.
- Sharif, M., Dixit, P.K., Krishnadas, M., and Sivaram, M., 2013, Water Productivity in Milk Production: An Economic Assessment. Proceedings of XLII Dairy Industrial Conference on Growth in Indian Dairying & Trade Issues, Chennai, December 12-14.p. 240.
- Krishnadas, M., Sethi, N. and Mishra, D., 2015, Consumption of Dairy Products in Rural and Urban Areas of Karnataka. Proceedings of National Seminar on Pure, Safe and Nutritious Milk, Anand, December 11-12.p. 211.
- Krishnadas, M. and Dixit, P.K., 2016, Consumption Pattern of Milk and Milk Products- An Analytical Approach to Kerala State, India. Scholars’ Press, Germany. ISBN: 9783639861341.
- Ayyoob, K.C. and Krishnadas, M., 2016, Regional Inequalities in the Agrarian Development of Kerala: A Multivariate Approach to the Causative Factors. International Journal of Farm Sciences, 6(1): 14-19.
- Krishnadas, M., Dixit, P.K. and Sivaram, M., 2016, Inequality in Consumption of Milk and Milk Products in Rural and Urban Areas of Thiruvananthapuram District of Kerala-An Economic Analysis. International Journal of Farm Sciences, 6(1): 25-32.
- Krishnadas, M., Dixit, P.K. and Sivaram, M., 2016, Consumption of Dairy Foods in Kerala- An Economic Analysis. Proceedings of National Seminar on Quality- A Tool for Value Addition of Dairy Foods, Bengaluru, January 23-24.p. 53.
- Krishnadas, M., Dixit, P.K., Achoth, Lalith and Sivaram, M., 2016, Trend in Production of Milk and Consumption of Milk and Milk Products in Kerala. Proceedings of XLIV Dairy Industrial Conference on Make in India-Dairying 2030, Karnal, February 18-20. P.170.
- Krishnadas, M., Dixit, P.K., Sivaram, M., Achoth, Lalith and Devi, M.C.A., 2016, Consumption Pattern of Milk and Milk Products in Rural and Urban Areas of Kerala. Indian Journal of Dairy Science, 69(2):207-213.
- Junior Research Fellowship - Indian Council of Agricultural Research - (2008-10)
- Senior Research Fellowship - Indian Council of Agricultural Research - (2012-13)
- Recognition for Outstanding Research in Social Sciences, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal - (2014-15)
- Best paper Award, Indian Dairy Association, New Delhi-(2018)
Affiliation with Professional bodies/Institutions/Societies
- Life Member of Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, Mumbai
- Life Member of Agricultural Economics Research Association, New Delhi
- Life Member of Indian Society of Agricultural Marketing, Hyderabad
- Member of Indian Dairy Association, New Delhi
- Life Member of Society for the Advancement of Human and Nature, Solan