Shine G

Assistant Professor
Attached Department:
Department of Silviculture and Agroforesty
College of Forestry, Vellanikkara
Mobile Phone No:
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Address (Residence):
Parayath House,
Cherukulathoor P.O
Kozhikode Kerala 673008
IndiaLand Phone No (Residence):
G. Shine K. Sudhakara C. M. Jijeesh, 2015.Seed source and size variation influences the germination and seedling growth of Strychnos nux-vomica. Journal of Tropical Agriculture. Kerala Agricultural University
G. Shine., P.O. Nameer. 2012. First record of Slender Coral Snake Calliophis melanurus (Shaw, 1802) South of the Palghat Gap, Western Ghats. Reptile Rap#14. South Asian Reptile Network